Flea market "GO-doska.net"

Phone: +7-351-278-9960 (размещение рекламы)

Address: Moscow (bulletin board) (map)

WWW: www.go-doska.net


GO - flea market, Russia. Here you can - to give a free ad on the Internet , for the sale. OR - to submit a free listing, provision of services in any region of the country.

GO - flea market. This site is designed for ease of sale of goods and services, individuals and businesses. If you have something to offer for sale - this flea market is for you. If you offer services needed by society, this flea market is for you. If you want to buy something or find someone, this flea market is for you. A very effective tool for promoting the market for goods and services. Easily search, for Russia and for each region separately. PLACING ADS - does not require registration, takes very little time is available on the understanding of even a child.

GO - it is important to:
1. Before serving ads on the flea market must read HOW TO MAKE ANNOUNCEMENT .
2. When writing ads is desirable to use the photos of the object of sale.
3. After submitting your ad periodically visit and monitor the placement.
4. After the sale of goods at a flea market you want to remove an ad that would not mislead other buyers.
5. Placing ads is calculated on a period of one calendar month after which you will on the box, will be notified of the possibility of extending it. Be sure to extend its deployment, otherwise it will automatically remove the robot.

GO - transition to the main headings of a flea market:

Give a free ad, at a flea market, you can right now, go to ADVERTISE "

Advertise on flea market takes place in the subject heading, by the customer and one of the regions of Russia. Before submitting a free listing, we recommend that you read the section " how to write an ad , "depends on how many people see it.

Search for a product or service at a flea market takes place using key words and for a given region - through a search engine site GO.

дать объявление

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